Message of Mother of Love, Peace and Joy to visionary Emma on September 8, 2011

Mountain of Salvation, Batangas City, Philippines

Emma:  I heard the beautiful chanting of the angels, like they were letting me know

“the Blessed Mother is coming.”

I knelt down in prayer. I saw many colored lights descending from above and the lights became angels in front of me. In the middle, there was a golden bright light that appeared. I saw the figure of the Blessed Mother dressed in white with a gold mantle and sash around her waist. She was accompanied by my saintly friends and many angels. I saw her face and noticed she did not have her usual beautiful smile. I felt that her message would be serious. I greeted the Blessed Mother with ‘Happy Birthday.’ She said,

“Thank you, my child…”

Then she looked around at the people with a simple smile and said,

“I am your Mother who always comes to bring peace to my children. The world is in darkness. There are things that are not done according to the Will of God. The messages that I gave to my children are not being followed. You create this darkness when you choose to follow your own will. Even with the darkness that is happening in the world, and even with the wrong doings of my children, remember it is God who is in control of the universe. He can make good things come from out of the bad that causes this darkness. I ask my children to be strong and trust in My Son and not to give up praying. God hears the prayers of those faithful children who continue to pray.

God hears them and God is Love and He is merciful to those who turn to Him. I encourage my children to bring their priests to be here together in prayer. Take a stand for the gift of faith and defend the Church and my priests.”


The Blessed Mother looked upon the priests with so much love and said,

‘Thank you very much for being here.”


I spoke to the Blessed Mother and she responded with a personal message.  The Blessed Mother continued,

“A day will come that every soul will have their conscience revealed and will realize how much they have offended God. Pray my children; I will bring all your intentions to heaven. I love you my dear children.”


Then the Blessed Mother accompanied by the saints and angels disappeared.

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