Message of Mother of Love, Peace and Joy to visionary Emma on December 8, 2007
Mt. of Salvation, Batangas City, Philippines
Blessed Mother said,
“I am your Mother who comes to bring peace to my children. How blest are you that you have beautiful priests who celebrate Mass on this little mountain. Thank you for your love and many bouquets of flowers you offered at the altar.
Today you are here to unite your hearts in prayer and to be with your loving Mother, the saints and angels.
My children, I ask you to focus always on My Son; never lose sight of Him. Fighting, anger, violence and negative thoughts towards others, are not good for your soul. Remove all your frustrations, sadness and worries from your heart. Do you know how beautiful His design is for you, His children?
Sometimes you think that your desires and plans are the best for you and your country; but these desires and plans are not My Sons’s will. It is your will, My children, and your will interferes with the will of My Son for you. Let My Son’s will be inside you all; generating humility and peace, for you are the answer to His will. Instead of focusing on your negativity, problems and struggles, think of My Son in this Advent season. This is the time to be full of joy, peace, love and hope. Restore unity and peace to mankind. Reach out to one another. Be the children of light in the darkness of the world.”
Emma then received a personal message. Blessed Mother continues,
“Thank you, My children for gathering together on this little humble mountain. I love you, My dear children.”
Then the Blessed Mother and Angels disappeared.