Message of Mother of Love, Peace and Joy to visionary Emma on December 12, 2006
15th Anniversary of La Pieta International Prayer Group | Mt. of Salvation, Batangas, Philippines
Emma: Our Blessed Mother was accompanied by angels and appeared at 1:30 A.M. She wore a golden sash around her waist and a bright golden light surrounded her. She said,
“My dear children. I am the Mother of Love, Peace and Joy and the Immaculate Conception. I thank God for allowing me once again to be on this humble mountain. I greet you, my child, on your special day. It is so nice to see you all here praying together with the saints and angels in Heaven.
It is a gift and act of God’s supreme love; He gave me these special graces to come down from Heaven from generation to generation, and to speak, and be able to be seen by many of His chosen messengers. I am asking my children to be prepared and to be purified for His second coming. The words in the scriptures must be fulfilled. The world is in crisis because many of my children are not praying anymore and they are focused more on worldly pleasures. It is important today, my children, to keep praying more and more for your brothers and sisters. The time left for prayers and conversion is getting short.
I want to thank my children who are here praying together in union with my saints and angels. You are here because of your faith, love, trust and hope in my Son, Jesus. I am very pleased and grateful to see my three little priests who opened their hearts, here on this humble mountain. Please pray for my priests, children, because they need your prayers and you need them to receive the body and blood of my Son. Your prayers must be simple, but from your minds and hearts.
You are my children that I love. I will always be with you in prayers together with the saints and angels. You are all my beautiful flowers in my garden. I, with my saints, will bring all your prayer requests and petitions to Heaven. I love you my dear children.
Thank you so much for listening to my message.”
The Blessed Mother and the angels disappeared.