December 8, 2005 – Message



I saw our lady with five saints, St. John, the Apostle, St.  Therese of Lisieux, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Mary Magdalen of Pazzi and St. Faustina. They were all smiling at me and the people present. the blessed mother said:

 “My dear children, I am the Immaculate Conception, the mother of love, peace and joy. I thank God for allowing me again to be with you on this solemnity of my immaculate conception and to greet you my child, a happy birthday”


“I am so glad you responded to my request, to make this little mountain a beautiful garden. Thank you for the beautiful flowers you offered here on my feast day.”


“Dear children, I want you to form more cenacles of prayers and to open more prayer groups at this time, in every place where you can reach your brothers and sisters. The Lord is coming and this is true. He will fulfill His promise in the Scriptures. And before He comes, the earth must be purified and be cleansed from sins. Those who are aware of His coming know the signs.”


“There is so much destruction and hatred in the world; much chaos, graft and corruption- drugs everywhere that make people suffer. There are leaders of countries that are not honest anymore and lies are being told to the people. This has to end before his coming.’’


“I am calling my children who are faithful to continue to pray for their brothers and sisters. Be with me and my saints (she was looking at the 5 saints, St. Theresa of Avila, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi, St. Faustina and St. John the Apostle, who were present with Our Lady). Call your favorite saints and your guardian angels to help you. They are always here with you. Pray for peace in the world. My Son loves you so much. I love you my dear children. Always remember, I, your mother will protect you and bring you to my Son.”


“And much more, I am very pleased with my little priest who loves, praises, adores and venerates my Son during Mass, together with all of my children. You give joy to my heart by receiving Him in the Holy Eucharist.”


“As soon as I leave, I want you my child to go to your brothers and sisters and extend my love by kissing each one of them. All the intentions you offered on the altar today will be brought up to heaven. I love you my dear children. Thank you so much for listening to my call.”


Then the blessed mother, saints and angels disappeared.


Mt. of Salvation / Batangas City, Philippines  / December 8, 2005


September 7, 2005 – Message of St. John the Apostle in Greek writing

Message of St. John the Apostle in Ancient Greek writing to Emma on Sept.7,2005, interpreted by Fr. Dennis Paez, SDB in English

Mt. of Salvation, Calaca, Batangas City, Philippines


God is love and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him. In this is love brought to perfection among us, that we have confidence on the day of judgments because as He is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love but perfect love drives out fear. (John 4. 16-18).


Beloved, I am John the Apostle of Jesus Christ.


I am writing this to you so that you may not commit sin (1 Jn 2.1)


Grace, peace, love and joy abound for you. (2Jn 1.3).


Rejoice in the Lord (Phil 3.1)

rejoice always (1 Thes. 5.16),

the Lord is near (Phil 4.5).


December 08, 2004 – Message of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

Emma: I was praying when I heard beautiful chanting of angels. I was so happy when I heard their voices telling me that the blessed mother is coming. Then I saw bright lights everywhere and the angels appeared on those bright lights. They formed themselves like an arc in front of me. A beautiful lady appeared. She was smiling at me. She was wearing a white gown covered with a golden mantle and a gold sash on her waist. She was surrounded with bright golden light. I greeted the blessed mother a happy feast day and she greeted me a happy birthday. And she said to me,

“I am the Immaculate Conception. Today is a beautiful and very special day because it is the 150th anniversary of the feast of my Immaculate Conception. Thank you my children for coming here. You are my children who listen to the message of my Son. You did not worry of the coming storm, cold weather and strong winds. You are here because of your love to my Son, Jesus, and your love for me. I am your Mother of Love, Peace and Joy. This is the love that I ask from you, my children, to offer the same love to your brothers and sisters. I am your mother who calls my children to open their hearts to receive the pure love and not self centered love.

You are here my child (referring to me) in this little humble mountain that my Son chose, like yourself, the little humble instrument of God, who will bring my children to come to the mountain of salvation, of peace, love and joy.

You, my children, are here because God called you to be His instruments, to spread this message of love. You are here today offering your petitions, asking for healings for your loved ones; your sorrows for your children who are lost on their journeys and for the conversion of your family. I can see and feel all your sufferings and burdens. I ask all of you to offer them to my Son, Jesus. You must also understand that the healings you are asking for are always according to God’s will. My children who are called to be here are healed because you said YES to His call.

I am your mother who will always be at your side, to help you, to guide you and comfort you. I will bring all your intercessory prayers to the foot of God’s altar. He knows what is best for His children.

I ask you, my children, for total abandonment to the will of God because you are chosen to be instruments of this land so that the desire of the Father will be fulfilled ; that this chosen land will be an example of God’s love, peace and joy to other nations. I am calling my children to unite with me on this mission. Come with me, my children, to the mountain of faith, to reach the Mountain of Salvation, who is my Son Jesus.

I ask my children to offer flowers and make this place a beautiful garden. I thank you for answering my call and opening your hearts to my Son’s message of love, peace and joy. I love you my dear children. I bless you in the name of my Son.”


I was very happy seeing the blessed mother and listening to her messages. I love to touch and kiss her but instead I blew her a kiss and stretched my right arm. The blessed mother smiled at me and came near me and bent and touched my fingers.


The blessed mother disappeared leaving manifestations and signs of her presence to all the people who were there. Emma received personal messages.



Mountain of Salvation, Batangas, Philippines  /  December 08, 2004