Message of Mother of Love, Peace & Joy to visionary Emma on December 12, 2018
Mountain of Salvation, Q-Park, Compostela, Cebu, Philippines
I was praying deeply when I heard the movement of the wings of the angels as they came down from above. I was happy and knelt down and continued my prayer. There were many angels in the sky, but they gathered mostly on the left side. There was a bright golden light, the Mother of Love, Peace and Joy appeared together with St. Magdalene de Pazzi, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. John the Apostle, St. Faustina and St. Peregrine. I noticed that there was a big space on the right side.
The Blessed Mother opened her hands and said:
“I am your Mother who comes to bring the joy and serenity of my Son Jesus.”
The Blessed Mother looked upon the people and said;
” My children, I desire that this whole beautiful place where you feel My Son’s presence and also my visits together with the saints and angels be a Garden of Faith”. Bring your loved ones especially the young people to pray. The young people are the hope for the new generation to bring the Good News of the Lord throughout the world. Gather your children and teach them to know My Son Jesus. Bring them to My Son’s Heart, so they will know His love for them. This is your mission and do not be afraid.”
“People in the world are not aware anymore of what they are doing in their life and their journey. There is no love, no respect, no concern and no care for one another.”
“You my children are called to pray not only for your loved ones but for all people who need help.”
“At times you may experience fear due to what you see and what you hear occurring in the world. Do not be afraid. Focus on My Son. Have hope and trust in Him. Pray for peace in the world.”
“Look at these holy souls who have received their reward because of their faithfulness and trust despite trials and sufferings that they experienced while in the world. They have been given permission to come down to their loved ones know that they are very happy where they not are; which is heaven.”
Emma: I saw a big bright light on the right side which was empty before. Now in that space, many souls appeared and I began recognize some of them. I was very happy and surprised. I believed these souls numbered one hundred.
Then the blessed Mother said:
“Your prayer petitions will be brought to heaven. Thank you for praying with me, together with the saints and angels. I love you, my dear children.”
The Blessed Mother disappeared, followed by the saints and angels.