December 12, 2020 – Message

Message of Mother of Love, Peace & Joy to Emma on December 12, 2020
Montemaria, Pagkilatan, Batangas City


Emma: I was in meditative prayer when I heard the chanting of angels coming from the sky.

I saw the angels coming down and they formed an arch in front of me. A bright golden light appeared in the middle of the arch. The Blessed Mother came out from the golden light. She was accompanied by the three Carmelite saints: St Mary Magdalen de Pazzi, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Faustina and St. Peregrine.

The Blessed Mother looked upon us and she said:

“I am your Mother who comes to give you peace, comfort and consolation, within your hearts, my children. I am here once again to be with you in prayer, together with the saints and angels.”

“I feel the sorrows and pains which inflict the hearts of my children. Your journeys in this world are not easy. Sometimes, you cannot endure them. Remember, my children, that adversity will come into your lives, in many ways, but, I ask you to remain strong and to handle this without fear. You will not be able to avoid this adversity, no matter where you hide.”

“My Son, Jesus, is your hope. Do not be afraid. Leave everything in the good hands of God. Trust in Him always. He knows your weakness. He will help and guide you, my children. Face the adversity with God’s grace and you will be alright. Peace to you all. I will be with you in prayer. I love you my dear children.”

Then the Blessed Mother disappeared followed by the saints and angels.


December 08, 2020 – Message

Message of Mother of Love, Peace and Joy to Emma C. de Guzman on December 8, 2020

Montemaria, Pagkilatan, Batangas City

Emma: I was in meditative prayer when I heard the gushing sound of wings up in the sky.

I knelt down and later, I heard the chanting of the angels. They formed themselves like an arch and a bright golden light appeared in the middle. Our Lady then appeared together with St. Teresa of Avila, St. Therese of Lisieux, St Magdalen de Pazxi, St.John, the Apostle, St Faustina and St Peregrine.

I felt joy within my heart when I saw Mother Mary’s beautiful and radiant face with a smile. The Blessed Mother looked upon us and she said:


“May the gift of peace be with my children. I am your Mother who has come to ask you to remain faithful to My Son Jesus. There is a veil of darkness in every place in the world. You are enveloped within dark clouds of negativity. What is happening in the minds of people are fear, confusion, depression, and hatred. Instead of trusting God, my children have fear. I ask my children to fight the negative force in the world.”

This is a special place for you to pray with your Mother. Your spirit should not be negative. You should have no fear, no discouragement in every tribulations that may come. You must be in the presence of God. He is with you my children. He protects and saves you. Be strong and have courage. Do not give up and have hope. Be with your loved ones and stay together and pray at home.”

The Blessed Mother looked towards my right side with a smile. She said to her priest:

“Thank you, son of Jesus for being faithful and truthful as a priest, holding the Body and Blood of Jesus so carefully and sacredly and in giving communion to my children with so much love and respect. You are a true priest of My Son Jesus. I ask my children to thank their priests and to appreciate, help, support and protect them and the Church. You are blessed to have faithful priests.”


The Blessed Mother continued and she said;

“I ask you to remain calm and have a positive spirit in your mind and focus on My Son Jesus. Pray for your brothers and sisters who are weak and negative.”

“Remember my children, I, your Mother will never leave you. I will always pray with you together with the saints and angels. Today you have more holy souls visiting here and praying with you.” (I did not see those holy souls). Your intentions will be brought to Heaven. Peace to you all. I love you, my dear children. Thank you for being here in prayer.”

Then the Blessed Mother disappeared followed by the saints and angels.

September 15, 2020 – Message

Message of Mother of Love, Peace and Joy to Emma on September 15, 2020

Montemaria, Pagkilatan, Batangas City

Emma: I was at peace and joyful when I saw angels chanting from above. I knelt down looking up into the sky. Later, I saw a bright golden light in front of me. Mother of Love, Peace and Joy appeared. She was accompanied by St. Teresa of Avila, St. Magdalen de Pazzi, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. John the Apostle, St. Faustina and St. Peregrine.

Her face was so radiant and so beautiful. The Blessed Mother looked upon us and she said:

“It is nice to be with you here my children. I have come to pray with you together with the saints and angels. I am here to let you know that you will experience more tribulations in this world. I tell you this so you will be aware of God’s signs. You cannot avoid the destruction of the world, but, through this trial and suffering, my Son, who is at your side, will be your strength.

Today, I ask you to remain faithful and to trust in my Son. He will not abandon you in the time of darkness. Be patient and keep praying. Do not be afraid. Everything will pass away but my Son’s words will not pass away. I love you my dear children. Thank you for being here to pray with me, together with the saints and angels.”

Then the Blessed Mother disappeared followed by the saints and angels.

September 8, 2020 – Message

Message of Mother of Love, Peace and Joy to visionary Emma on September 08, 2020

Mt. of Salvation, Montemaria, Pagkilatan Batangas City, Philippines

Emma: I saw angels coming down from the sky. They formed an arch in front of me and a bright golden light appeared in the middle of the arch.

The Blessed Mother came out from the golden light , followed by St. Teresa of Avila , St Magdalen de Pazzi, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. John the Apostle, St. Faustina and St. Peregrine. Two spirits, (a male and a female) appeared at the side of the saints. I recognized the female but not the male.

At first I was excited when I saw Our Mother, but as I looked at her, she had a sad look on her face. I felt heaviness in my heart as if her message to us would not be good to hear.

Our Mother looked upon us and she said:

“My dear children, this is your Mother who comes to bring peace within your hearts.”


Her voice was sad but I could still feel her love for us as the “the Mother”. As I saw her teary eyes, tears began to drop onto her beautiful face, from her left eye only. I cannot control my emotions even though I had not yet heard what she was going to say.

I cried and said to her:  Please mother, do not cry. We love you and we are happy to be here to pray with you during your visit and to greet you on your special day.

The Blessed Mother said:

“I am sad because many of my children are not listening and do not follow my request. I have been visiting my children many times and until now you offend my Son, especially hurting His Sacred Heart. How many times have you rejected my Son and did not accept Him as your Lord? How much longer will you hurt His Sacred Heart because of the impurity in His Church?

My request is simple and that is: to love Him, to be faithful to Him, to put your trust in Him, to change your bad actions into good. Instead of changing yourself to become good, you have become selfish. You do not care about others. You do not reach out to others to help. You have anger instead towards each other. You only look upon yourself as being right in what you do, even though you do what is wrong. You are not concerned about the life of your brothers and sisters. There is no fear of God. There is no love, no compassion. Look at what is happening now my children. Is this what you want to see, your brothers and sisters suffering and dying? This is not the will of God. You want your ways which are not according to God’s ways.”

I keep crying and crying because of her sadness. I can feel that we are hurting the heart of the “Mother”.

The Blessed Mother said:

“My children, come to my Son and follow His will. You are on earth to do God’s Will, not your own. If you choose His Will in humility, then my Son will manifest in you because of your love for Him. He will protect you from many consequences that may arise in this world. “Trust in Him.”
“Today, I your Mother, ask you to continue to pray more. Remain little lights of God and never lose sight of Him. My Jesus loves you very much. He will never abandon you. Peace to all. Your intentions will be offered to the altar of God. I love you my dear children.”

Then the Blessed Mother disappeared, followed by the saints and angels and the two spirits.