Emma’s Vision
In early 1990s, Emma had a vision of a big statue of our Blessed Mother on top of a mountain, surrounded with body of water. She saw people holding their rosary and candles on a procession around the statue of the Blessed Mother.
2001 – December 27
The Search of the Mountain
Emma mentioned to a priest about the mountain that the Blessed Mother said she will find. The priest said that he knows someone who owns a mountain in Batangas so they decided to meet at Evercrest Golf Course on December 27. Emma spent overnight in Tagaytay with Andrea’s friend Gerrie Villa for one night so they can go to Evercrest to meet the priest but they wasn’t able to go to the place because they need a 4-wheel drive jeep to drive up to the mountain. Gerrie heard about the story on the mountain so she told Emma that she also have a mountain that her family bought years ago, and it is not far from Evercrest.
Emma asked Gerrie if she could bring them to her mountain. As they go near it, Emma felt something in her heart, it’s pounding.
Emma said, “This is the mountain that the Blessed Mother was telling her.”
2002 – January
Emma found the mountain
Emma went back to USA and announced to the La Pieta Groups that she has found “the mountain”.
2002 – September 8 – Message at the Marian Manor, New Jersey USA
Soon you will be going to your homeland
“Soon you will be going to your homeland (Philippines).
God loves the little people of that land. My children who are strong in their faith follow my Son. Even through the midst of their many sufferings and trials they still come to my Son.
You will go to the mountains and bring the simple message of love, peace, and joy. In your simplicity and nothingness, you will do the mission. It will not be easy. God has already chosen the people who will be with you. The simple message of love, peace and joy will be very powerful. Love one another for love is the greatest gift from God. Unite your heart in love with your brothers and sisters and peace will come upon all people for my Son is King of that land. They will know you for my Son lives in you. My Son already called and chose His Apostles (the priests) to unite together to help fulfill this mission of peace. The eyes of many will open. The powerful will be humbled.
This little island will be the example for the surrounding nations to imitate.”

2002 – December 8 – Message at the Marian Manor, New Jersey USA
My Son is leading you, my child, to your homeland, the Mountain of Salvation, a mountain of peace, love and joy.
Message from Our Blessed Mother
“My Son is leading you, my child, to your homeland, the Mountain of Salvation, a mountain of peace, love and joy. The saints and angels will be with you and all who are called. God has already called His chosen children to continue to pray for their brothers and sisters. I have told you, you are the army of God. There will be peace. Do not focus on the darkness. You are called to bring the mission of love, peace and joy.
February 10 & 11, 2003 (Emma on Retreat)
“I will lead you to a new road. This road will reach the mountain. The time is coming soon…
Emma was in a Retreat, when our Lord Jesus speaks to her. Jesus said,
“I will lead you to a new road. This road will reach the mountain. The time is coming soon. My child, come with Me. I will take you to this place. Lift up your eyes and see the mountains and fields. They are beautiful. This is the time now to fulfill your visions and dreams I have showed you. I will open the Door for My people to see. Walk and enter through this Door. This is the Door that will lead My people to reach the Mountain of Salvation, of love, peace and tranquility.” 2003
2003, April 02
The Finding of the Mountain of Salvation
In April 2, 2003, together with Gerrie and Buda visited the mountain in Batangas owned by the Villa and Hernandez Family. Emma decided to go down the other side of the mountain following a stiffed foot trail. On her way down. Emma started to hear sound of running water. At the mid part, Emma stopped and started to cry. She said:
“This is indeed the mountain that the Blessed Mother was telling me. Now my mission (which will be heavy and lot of persecutions) here will start.”
Upon reaching the bottom of the mountain, Emma saw a small cave beneath a big tree, with clear water. She scoffed some water with her hands and it smells beautiful fragrance.
She again said: “ this is the mountain…this is the place where the Blessed Mother will come and appear.”

2003 – April 17 – St. John appeared to Emma to confirm the Mt. of Salvation
St. John confirmed the mountain
After Mass at Don Bosco Chapel, on April 17, 2003, Holy Thursday.
Emma, together with Dra. Linda Aquino, Andrea, Gerrie, Buda and Lala decided to have a prayer vigil at the mountain hoping that the Blessed Mother will come.
The night was dark, Emma was first to walk down the narrow slope. The moon was the only light we have and some flash lights to help us navigate the path.
Emma was in deep prayer when she started to speak in tongues (like Aramaic). She told us afterwards that it was St. John the Apostle who came and appeared to her. He confirmed to her that mountain is the place where the Blessed Mother will appear but it is not time yet for her to come.
2003 – April – La Pieta Prayer Group opened in the Philippines
La Pieta prayer groups opened in the Philippines
La Pieta Prayer Groups were opened in the Philippines. Healing missions and talk were scheduled in different diocese.
2004 March 7 – Kingston, Toronto, Canada
Your mission to the Philippines will be on your special day. This will be the start of your mission.
La Pieta Prayer Groups of Toronto, Syracuse, Cardinal, New Jersey and Kingston gathered in prayers for the second death anniversary of Sol Gaviola, the co-founder of La Pieta Prayer Group.
Emma experienced the presence of Sol Gaviola(+), co-founder of La Pieta prayer group who was accompanied by two Angels.
Sol (+) appeared to Emma and said: “Your mission to the Philippines will be on your special day. The Blessed Mother will appear to you on your birthday (December 8). This will be the start of your mission.”
Emma and the La Pieta members started to make plans for their trip to the Philippines on December of 2004 after receiving the message that the Blessed Mother will appear to her in the Philippines
2004 December 8
The First Apparition at the Mt. of Salvation
La Pieta International Prayer Groups from Canada, USA and Philippines gathered together for procession and prayer vigil at the Mountain of Salvation in Calaca, Batangas. The La Pieta Groups was hoping that the Blessed Mother would appear on her special day.

The people stayed for the prayer vigil and continued to pray.

It was extremely cold and windy that night. Emma was in deep prayer, when she knelt down and started walking on her knees. She looked up and smiled as if she is seeing something beautiful in front of her. Her face started to shine, as gold sparkles appeared all over her face.

Emma narrated:
I was praying when I heard beautiful chanting of angels. I was so happy when I heard their voices telling me that the blessed mother is coming. Then I saw bright lights everywhere and the angels appeared on those bright lights. They formed themselves like an arc in front of me.
A beautiful lady appeared. She was smiling at me. She was wearing a white gown covered with a golden mantle and a gold sash on her waist. She was surrounded with bright golden light. I greeted the blessed mother a happy feast day and she greeted me a happy birthday. And she said to me,
“I am the Immaculate Conception. Today is a beautiful and very special day because it is the 150th anniversary of the feast of my Immaculate Conception. Thank you my children for coming here. You are my children who listen to the message of my Son. You did not worry of the coming storm, cold weather and strong winds. You are here because of your love to my Son, Jesus, and your love for me. I am your Mother of Love, Peace and Joy. This is the love that I ask from you, my children, to offer the same love to your brothers and sisters. I am your mother who calls my children to open their hearts to receive the pure love and not self-centered love.
You are here my child (referring to Emma) in this little humble mountain that my Son chose, like yourself, the little humble instrument of God, who will bring my children to come to the mountain of salvation, of peace, love and joy.
You, my children, are here because God called you to be His instruments, to spread this message of love. You are here today offering your petitions, asking for healings for your loved ones; your sorrows for your children who are lost on their journeys and for the conversion of your family. I can see and feel all your sufferings and burdens. I ask all of you to offer them to my Son, Jesus. You must also understand that the healings you are asking for are always according to God’s will. My children who are called to be here are healed because you said YES to His call.”
Click here to read the complete message
The blessed mother smiled at Emma, came near, bended and touched her fingers. Emma received personal messages.
After the apparition, the people saw pulsating bright lights (like fireworks) in the sky.

2004 December 11
You are on the pilgrimage to salvation
Emma together with the La Pieta members from Canada and USA where praying inside the Shrine of Our Lady of Piat. When Emma received a message from the Blessed Mother (in Locution). The Message of the Blessed Mother at the Shrine of Our Lady of Piat, Cagayan Philippines was…
“I am your mother who calls you to come to the Mountain of Salvation. You are on the pilgrimage to salvation. I love you, my children. I will always be with you on this pilgrimage. I will protect you under my immaculate mantle. Thank you for accepting my invitation to come to the Mountain of Salvation of Love, Peace and Joy.
2005, January 4
There will always be Angels and Saints here to bring your prayers to God Father.
The prayer group of La Pieta Caloocan gathered together in prayer with Emma at the Mountain of Salvation when St. Magdalen De Pazzi appeared to Emma.
“There will always be Angels and Saints here to bring your prayers to God Father. Continue to pray and always be in the state of God’s grace. ”
2005 March 05
Emma had received stigmata on the crown and received a message from Jesus on the Impurities of His Church.
2005 April 07
Here is my saint, Karol Josef Wojtyla. Call on him when you need peace.
On the 7th of April 2005, around 3PM in the afternoon at the Mountain of Salvation, in Calaca, Batangas.
Emma saw the three (3) Carmelite Saints:
St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi,
St. Theresa of Avila and
St. Therese of Lisieux.
The Carmelite saints appeared and said to Emma, that the Blessed Mother will appear at 6:00 PM with someone special.
At 6:00 PM in the evening our Mother of Love, Peace & Joy appeared to Emma together with St. Faustina and St. Peter.
Blessed Mother said before Pope John Paul II appeared:
“Here is my saint, Karol Josef Wojtyla. Call on him when you need peace.”
Emma saw Pope John Paul II (who kissed the ground).
2rd Apparition of Mother of Love, Peace and Jo
Note: St. Karol Josef Wojtyla was called a saint by the our Mother of Love, Peace and Joy before he was announced as Saint Pope John Paul II on April 27, 2014 at the official sainthood ceremony.
2005 September 07
God is Love, written in Ancient Greek
St. John the Apostle appeared and Emma wrote his message in Ancient Greek.
Greek Message English translation
God is love and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him.
In this is love brought to perfection among us, that we have confidence on the day of judgments because as He is, so are we in this world.
There is no fear in love but perfect love drives out fear. (John 4. 16-18).
Beloved, I am John the Apostle of Jesus Christ.
I am writing this to you so that you may not commit sin (1 Jn 2.1)
Grace, Peace, Love and Joy abound for you. (2Jn 1.3).
Rejoice in the Lord (Phil 3.1)
Rejoice always (1 Thes. 5.16),
the Lord is near (Phil 4.5).
Interpreted by Fr. Dennis Paez, SDB
3rd Apparition of Mother of Love, Peace and Joy
2005 December 7-8
Form Cenacles – Message received from St. John the beloved in Ancient Greek
St. John the Apostle appeared and Emma wrote his message in Ancient Greek.
Greek Message English translation
“ Form more cenacles of prayer/more prayer groups.
My Son is coming soon. He will fulfill His promise in the Scriptures and before He will come, the earth must be purified and be cleansed from sins.
Those who are aware of His coming will know the signs.
There are so much destructions and hatred in the world, many chaos, graft and corruption that make people suffer. There are leaders of the countries who are not honest anymore and everything is lies.
This has to end before His coming.”
4th Apparition of Mother of Love, Peace & Joy
2005 December 7-8
Gift-giving Mission to the poor families in the Philippines
La Pieta International prayer groups from USA, Canada and Philippines worked together for the annual gift-giving to the poor families in the Philippines.
2006 April 14
Stigmata appeared on Emma’s crown which was witnessed and documented by Andrea.
2006 September 08
You are my little lights who will light up the world from darkness.
Blessed Mother appeared to Emma at the Mountain of Salvation in Batangas, Calaca…and said:
“You are my little lights who will light up the world from darkness.”

2006 December 08
I’m asking my children to be prepared & to be purified for His second coming. The words in the Scriptures must be fulfilled.
Blessed Mother appeared to Emma and said:
“I am asking my children to be prepared and to be purified for His second coming. The words in the Scriptures must be fulfilled. The world is in crisis because many of my children are not praying anymore and they are focused more on worldly pleasures. It is important today, my children, to keep praying more and more for your brothers and sisters. The time left for prayers and conversion is getting short.”
The 6th Apparition of our Mother of Love, Peace & Joy
2006 December 08
Mission to the poor
La Pieta International Prayer Group (USA & CANADA) held their annual Medical/Dental mission and Gift-giving to the Poor Families in the Philippines
2007 September 08
On the mountain that you have been in Cebu. I desire my image to be named Mother of Love, Peace & Joy.
Blessed Mother requested Emma to place her image at the mountain and be called as the Mother of Love, Peace and Joy.
Blessed Mother said:
“On the mountain that you have been (Cebu), I desire my image to be named Mother of Love, Peace & Joy. I am the Mother of All Grace. I want you to continue to be faithful to Him. Respond to bring the message of His Love, Peace & Joy. You are the flowers in my garden and that is the Garden of Faith.
7th Apparition of Blessed Mother
2007 December 08
Be the children of light in the darkness of the world.
Blessed Mother message to Emma:
“Focus on my Son. Let my Son’s Will be inside you all; generating humility and peace. Restore unity and peace to mankind. Be the children of light in the darkness of the world.”
8th Apparition of the Blessed Mother of Love, Peace and Joy
2008 September 08
Your sufferings and struggles are part of your journey. Forgive and Reconcile.
Blessed Mother message to Emma:
“My children, you are entering into the exciting time of your pilgrimage here. Your sufferings and struggles are part of your journey. Forgive and Reconcile.”
9th Apparition of the Blessed Mother of Love, Peace and Joyr
2008 December 08
“Pray fervently on this bill that they wish to pass. Pray that this bill* will not go through. You are not just destroying your body, but also your soul.”
Blessed Mother message to Emma:
“You have entered into this exciting moment of your pilgrimage here and soon you will understand.
Pray fervently on this bill that they wish to pass. Pray that this bill not go through. Do you think if this bill is passed that it would be good for your people and your land? This is not the Will of my Son. You are not just destroying your body, but also your soul.”
The image of our Mother of Love, Peace and Joy was erected and blest by Archbp. Ramon Arguelles with four priests. Emma said our Mother was very happy and went inside the statue
10th Apparition of the Blessed Mother of Love, Peace and Joy.
*The Blessed Mother was talking about the RHBill
2008 December 8
Medical and Dental Mission to the poor in the Philippines
La Pieta International Prayer Group members from USA & Canada also held their annual Medical/Dental and Gift-giving mission to the Poor Families in the Philippines
2009 September 08
The world is walking in darkness. Let the Will of God be done in you; not your Will.
“Water is the source of life; water purifies the earth — cleanses your body.
The world is walking in darkness. Let the Will of God be done in you; not your Will. When the Will of my Son reigns in your land, the years 2011-2015, a change in your country for the better will occur. The heavens will open and light will shine upon your land.”
11th Apparition of the Blessed Mother of Love, Peace and Joy
(Ondoy – Sept 26, 2009)
It was raining since Sept 06. Pilgrims to the Mt. were in their raincoats or under their umbrella. The rain stopped few minutes before the apparition.
A dancing moon appeared in the sky witnessed by all and captured in the video.
2009 December 08
Message received from Mother of Love, Peace & Joy
Emma was crying very hard. She did not share the message of our Blessed Mother to the public.
12th Apparition
2010 September 08
This day I call the apostles of God to be apostles of TRUTH.
“Many of you don’t know the Will of God is. The Will of God is beautiful because it is the Will of my Son. You will better understand that the Will of God comes to you, when you offer it with prayers and sacrifices, you will receive peace in your heart no matter what consequences occur. This is the total abandonment to the Will of God.
This day I call the apostles of God to be apostles of TRUTH.”
13th Apparition
2010 December 08
Remember what my Son promised—your little islands will be the light of the world and an example to the nations.
“God has a beautiful plan in your land.There are things that are not done according to the Will of God. Just open your eyes and hearts to see what is happening in your surroundings. I ask my children to bring compassion and love to those who are in need.
Remember what my Son promised—your little islands will be the light of the world and an example to the nations.”
14th Apparition of Our Motherof Love, Peace & Joy
little islands – the islands in the Philippines
2011 September 08
A day will come that every soul will have their conscience revealed and will realize how much they have offended God.
“The world is in darkness. There are things that are not done according to the Will of God. Remember it is God who is control of the universe and can make good things come out of the bad that causes the darkness.
Take a stand for the gift of faith and defend the Church and my priests.
A day will come that every soul will have their conscience revealed and will realize how much they have offended God.”
15th Apparition of our Mother of Love, Peace & Joy
2011 December 08
You must heal your land by forgiving your brothers and sisters.
“I am here to bring this message of forgiveness and reconciliation. This is the only way to bring peace and unity. You must heal your land by forgiving your brothers and sisters. Do you have to wait for the ground to be shaken and opened, and to see my poor little children in that water, before you will say you are sorry? There is no voice for my little people to hear because of the pride and power.”
16th Apparition of our Mother of Love, Peace & Joy
2011, December 19
Congressman Hermilando Mandanas requested Emma to visit Montemaria in Batangas City, Philippines, if she can pray there for his inspiration of building a big statue of our Blessed Mother.

After her trip she told him to go ahead with his inspiration of building a big statue of our Blessed Mother.

2012 September 08
I am the Mediatrix before the Mediator. I encourage my children to pray and to be with priest.
“I am the Mediatrix before the Mediator. Thank you so much apostles of God for joining with my children in prayers. I encourage my children to pray and to be with priest.
17th Apparition of our Mother of Love, Peace & Joy
2012 December 08
My Son Jesus is your only Hope.
I ask you to be faithful to the Church. This is a battle between good and evil. There will be division of God’s children. Many of my children who say ‘I believe in God; I praise You Lord; I follow Your Commandments; I love you Lord,’ will not enter into the Kingdom of God because they did things their own way or love the Lord when it was convenient. My children will be on the road to perdition because they follow the pleasures of the world.
My Son Jesus is your only Hope. I can see that you are drowning under the water and will not even try to get out.
Do you know that each of you have your own boat to sail?
I will always help you get out of the water and assist you to ride in your boat. That boat will reach the Ark, and that is the Ark of Salvation.
What is happening today is a sign of the fig tree.”
18th Apparition of our Mother of Love, Peace & Joy
2013 September 08
Have you used the talents I gave you? Return to Me with good profits from what you did on earth.
“ There is no peace in this world because of many destructions and struggles: racism, religions, confusions, violence, kidnappings, social injustices, killings, terrorism and political disputes as well as hatred that brings resentment and accusations towards others. War that brings darkness to the world. There is no peace in society and even in the family. Peace is a gift from God. My Son is the Prince of Peace that gives peace to His people.
God is generous in giving you talents, knowledge and wealth for the benefits of others and the land. People are just stewards to use them wisely. They are not here to own it but to share it. You are accountable for these for one day, God will ask you, ‘Have you used the talents I gave you? Return to Me with good profits from what you did on earth.’
To the priests: You are the messengers and co-redemptors of God to the world, to bring God’s message and speak the mystery of Heaven and God.”
19th Apparition of our Mother of Love, Peace & Joy
2013 December 08
There must be human justice with mercy and not inhuman justice with hatred.
The Blessed Mother appeared with St. Magdalen de Pazzi, St. Theresa of Avila, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. John the Apostle and St. Faustina.
Emma was sobbing because the Blessed Mother’s face was very sad and in tears. The Blessed mother said…
“I know you were very sad because of the calamities that happened in your lands, especially the loss of so many people. I know the sorrow and grief of my children who have lost their love ones in this typhoon. Before my children cried, I, your Mother, cried first because I was in those places watching and praying for the souls of your brothers and sisters to be safe.
God had allowed this tragedy to occur for a special reason. He knows everything that is going on in this world. God in His ways, protected those souls. I took care of my little children under my mantle. Please continue to pray for their souls and to offer Masses for them.
The problem in your country cannot be solved through justice only. You must bring justice and mercy together and then charity will remain in your hearts, which is ongoing love and compassion for others. There must be human justice with mercy and not inhuman justice with hatred:
The Saints of Heaven said: “You people should console the Heart of our Mother. She is sorrowful because many people have deeply offended her Son. Our Lady, who had appeared and gave messages to the people, made requests to her children. However, some requests were not respected nor were they obeyed. Humble yourselves before God and ask for forgiveness. We ask our brothers and sisters to carry your Mother everywhere you go. Bring her picture or statues of any size and share them with the people. This is Mary, who is full of grace. This is the Mother of Jesus Christ, who is our Lord. She is the Mediatrix of all grace.”
20th Apparition of our Mother of Love, Peace & Joy
2014 September 08
I would like you to make a chain. Make this strong and let it not be broken…until this long chain will cross the ocean and reach all the corners of the world to make the miracle of light shine upon the darkness.
“I have this request for you to do my children. I would like you to make a chain. Make this strong and let it not be broken.
Put your love ones first and anyone that God brings to you.
Link them to your chain and make it longer and longer; until this long chain will cross the ocean and reach all the corners of the world to make the miracle of light shine upon the darkness.
The world is focused on negativity. The evil one destructs the minds of people to confuse them.
Do not dwell on this negativity.
Pray for peace and unity in this world.”
21st Apparition of our Mother of Love, Peace & Joy
2015, November 30
Our Mother of Love, Peace & Joy (statue) will be transferred for the evangelization of Asia, at Montemaria…for a wider, beautiful and meaningful purpose,and will be in the name of the Archdiocese of Lipa but will be under the stewardship of La Pieta.
Announcement of Archbishop Ramon C. Arguelles
Archbishop Ramon C. Arguelles announced that the next December 7 Mass, will be at the Sto. Nino Shrine at Montemaria where our Mother of Love, Peace & Joy (statue) will be transferred for the evangelization of Asia, at Montemaria, you will see Mary with the dead Jesus Christ, who will bring light to the world which is good for a wider, beautiful and meaningful purpose. All activities will be under the administration of the Catholic Church, and will be in the name of the Archdiocese of Lipa but will be under the stewardship of La Pieta.
On the same day, Emma said that she will not be coming to the place anymore because of her obedience to the Church authority, Archibishop of Lipa. She shared to the people that when she was in New Jersey (before her coming to the Philippines) she was very sad to leave the mountain in Calaca but she received a message from our Lord Jesus.
“My dear child. I love you and I know your heart is focus on Me. I am pleased because you obeyed Me. I have teachings you should follow. You have many things to do My child. I will lead you to a new road. This road will reach the mountain. The time is coming soon. Your foundation is strong. The seeds I gave you were spread all over. You planted the seeds and became fruitful. I want you to plant more seeds, cultivate them and produce more fruits. When you produce, give them to everyone you meet. These are the fruits of love.”
2015, December 01
The transfer of the original statue of Mother of Love, Peace & Joy from Calaca to Mt. of Salvation in Montemaria in Batangas
In obedience to Most Rev. Ramon C. Arguelles, Archbishop of Lipa, Emma together with her La Pieta Int’l. Prayer Group moved the statue of our Mother of Love, Peace and Joy from Mt. of Salvation in Calaca, Batangas (First Mountain of Salvation) and transferred it to Mt. of Salvation at Montemaria, Pagkilatan, Batangas City (New Mt. of Salvation in Batangas).

2015, December 7-8
I ask my children to focus always at the Altar of my Son, to talk to Him, so as to receive the guidance, which He, Himself has given to His apostles.
Emma together with La Pieta prayer groups and devotees of our Mother of Love, Peace and Joy had their first vigil in Montemaria. It started 3:00PM with a Eucharistic Celebration with Most Rev. Ramon C. Arguelles, Archbishop of Lipa, as main celebrant.
Emma saw our Mother of Love Peace and Joy, together with St. Joseph, St. Peregrine and three angels. Emma recognized St. Peregrine because of his wounds on the right leg. The Blessed Mother was smiling at her children and with her arms open wide…she looked down and said:
“I, your Mother desire to unite your hearts together to serve My Son truthfully and purely. God has placed you in His tapestry. If there is one piece that does not put to its proper place, it will not be done perfectly. Each piece has to be molded and to be purified.”
The Blessed Mother looked at Emma and smiled.
“Your mission is for unity and peace. You were brought here because of the respect and truthfulness of your heart. God wants you to remain simple, humble, and obedient to follow His Will. If confusion is present in you and among you, My Son will lead you to a road for a new journey until you fulfill the mission He gave you.”
The Blessed Mother continues and said:
“God is Love, who gives peace and happiness in the hearts of His people. When you serve Him, you must be patient, understanding, humble and not confused at all. I ask my children to focus always at the Altar of my Son, to talk to Him, so as to receive the guidance, which He, Himself has given to His apostles.”

Before sundown, they had a Eucharistic celebration and procession from Sto. Nino Chapel and to Mt. of Salvation, Montemaria (previously called Punta Sta. Cruz) then back to the Sto Nino for the Prayer Vigil, just like Emma’s vision in early 1990’s where people holding their rosary and candles.

2016 Sept 7- 8 – 12:30AM
I am here to ask my children to unite your hearts together in prayer. Your land still needs healing because peace is not happening. I am asking my children to remove your hatred towards one another. Do not look back on the past where you can’t find peace. You must forgive and forget the past; so you will be able to move on and to receive peace in your hearts.
La Pieta prayer groups and devotees of our Mother of Love, Peace and Joy gathered together for a Prayer Vigil in Mt. of Salvation, Monte Maria in Pagkilatan, Batangas City.
Emma said:
I heard the chanting of many angels behind me and I turned around. I saw them suspended in the air forming an arch. A bright golden light appeared in the middle and I was so happy to see our Mother of love, peace and joy, together with 3 Carmelite saints: St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Magdalen de Pazzi, St. John, the Apostle, St. Faustina and St. Peregrine. They were looking down at us and smiling.
The Blessed Mother said:
“I am your mother who comes to bring peace to my children. She looked upon us and said: “I am very pleased with the big preparation my children did in this place, the excitement and joy I see on your faces, with no tiredness during the procession when the Blessed Sacrament was being carried by my dearest son (Archbishop Arguelles who was holding the Monstrance).
What a joy in my immaculate heart to be with you, my children, together with beautiful apostles of God who always bring My Son to the hearts of their people.”
Looking around again, the Blessed Mother said:
“Look at this creation of God given to the people. This is a gift for you, appreciate it with thanksgiving. I am here to ask my children to unite your hearts together in prayer. Your land still needs healing because peace is not happening. I am asking my children to remove your hatred towards one another. Do not look back on the past where you can’t find peace. You must forgive and forget the past; so you will be able to move on and to receive peace in your hearts.
I am your Mother who will always be at your side, to protect you under my mantle, and to bring you all to My Son’s Sacred Heart. He is Merciful to His people when they come back to Him.
In this place, multitude of prayers will be happening because the saints and angels, and your Mother will be united in your prayer.”
Mother Mary looked down on the priests with a beautiful smile and said:
“Thank you dear sons for being with your brothers and sisters.”
“Your intercessory prayer requests will be offered to the Altar of God in heaven. I love you my dear children. “
Our Lady disappeared followed by the saints and angels.
21st Apparition of our Mother of Love, Peace & Joy
Mt. of Salvation, Monte Maria, Pagkilatan, Batangas City