Message of Mother of Love, Peace and Joy to visionary Emma on September 8, 2019

Mt. of Salvation, Montemaria, Pagkilatan, Batangas City, Philippines. | 12:42 AM -12:55 AM

Emma: I was praying deeply when I heard the angels chanting from above. I knelt down and contemplated more in prayer. There was a bright golden light in front of me. Angels surrounded the light and later, Our Lady appeared in the golden light, followed by St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, St. Teresa of Avila, St Therese of Lisieux, St. John the Apostle, St. Faustina, and St. Peregrine.

I was smiling when I saw Our Lady. I wanted to greet her a Happy Birthday, Blessed Mother, but my feeling changed and became sad when I saw her beautiful face smiling but behind it, there was a sad look.

She said,

“I am your Mother who comes to my children to bring the peace of My Son Jesus. My visit is not to bring confusion to the world but to bring peace and unity for mankind.” I am here to join with you in prayer. I am the Mother of Love, Peace and Joy.”


“My children, I see that the society is in turmoil. There is the smoke of darkness that is happening. There is no peace anymore because of hatred and anger. There is no love and compassion towards others. Many of you are making mistakes, and are not aware anymore that you are offending My Son’s Sacred Heart.” There is much negativity in the mind of my children. There is trial in the Church; which is the attack and persecution. Do not destroy the House of God.”


The Blessed Mother was looking at the people in sadness and then, she said something, which made me cry so much, concerning our own Church.

The Blessed Mother continued and she said;

“I see that the moral value of a family is being damaged; brothers against sisters, parents against children, separation of husbands and wives. You have no mercy. You kill your parents or kill your children. The young people are not respecting the elders. Where are you going, my children. Do you know my Son Jesus?”

I was crying and crying and felt sorry because I am offending the Lord with my mistakes. I knew I made Him sad. I said to Blessed Mother: What can we do (I was referring to the La Pieta Group) to console the Heart of the Lord and to comfort your sadness?


The Blessed Mother said,

“All I need is your prayers, to be with your Mother, to offer yourself in a contrite heart to My Son Jesus. Through fervent prayer, your spirit will be transformed. Pray and have trust in God.”

Blessed Mother looked upon the priests and said;

“Thank you my sons for being here, together with your flock, to be with me, the saints and angels in prayer. You are the apostles who will be a good example for others because of your faithfulness and truthfulness to serve Your Lord. Do not be afraid to speak the Truth.”

Blessed Mother looked upon the priests and said;

“Thank you my sons for being here, together with your flock, to be with me, the saints and angels in prayer. You are the apostles who will be a good example for others because of your faithfulness and truthfulness to serve Your Lord. Do not be afraid to speak the Truth.”

The Blessed Mother looked upon her children and she said;

“Your prayer intentions will be offered to the Altar of God. Thank you for your presence in this beautiful place praying with me, the saints and angels. I love you, my dear children.”

Then Our Lady disappeared followed by saints and angels.

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