December 11, 2004 – Message of Our Lady of Piat in Cagayan, Philippines

Blessed Mother:

“I am the Lady of Piat. I want to thank my children who came from afar just to be here. You are my children who listen to my invitation. I am your mother who calls you to come to the Mountain of Salvation. You are on the pilgrimage, my children. You are on the pilgrimage to salvation.”


“I love you, my children. I will always be with you on this pilgrimage. I protect you under my immaculate mantle. Thank you for accepting my invitation to come to the Mountain of Salvation, of peace, love and joy.”


Shrine of Our Lady of Piat  / Piat, Cagayan, Philippines  /  December 11, 2004  /  Approx. 7:45 A.M.



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