The Blessed mother said,
“I bless these flowers and medals as a gift for all of you as a symbol of my love. This is my last apparition to you here my child, but I will always be in your heart. This place is a House of Prayer, a place of refuge. Even if the altar is removed, my presence and the presence of my Son Jesus will remain here. When you call and need my help, you will hear and feel me in your heart but you will not see me.
“My Son is leading you, my child, to your homeland, the Mountain of Salvation, a mountain of peace, love and joy. The saints and angels will be with you and all who are called. God has already called His chosen children to continue to pray for their brothers and sisters. I have told you, you are the army of God. There will be peace. Do not focus on the darkness. You are called to bring the mission of love, peace and joy.
“The world is not getting better my children but there are still places for peace through prayers. I am the Mother of Love, Peace and Joy but also I am the Mother of Sorrow who cries for my children who bring destruction, confusion and do not care for their brothers and sisters. You are my children who bring joy to my heart for you listen to my messages and follow my Son. This is your mission of Love, Peace and Joy.
“Thank you, for saying yes to my Son Jesus. I ask my children to join your hands together and unite your hearts in prayers.”
“I love you my dear children. I will bring all your intercessory prayer requests to the Heavenly Father. I will always be here with you especially when you pray the Holy Rosary. I bless you my dear children in the name of my Son.”
The mission in the Philippines will be heavy with a lot of persecution but the Lord has said I have to continue and do not be afraid to spread His Word. The Blessed Mother told me…
“If my children will open their hearts to listen to the message and follow my Son’s call, He will reward His people and country of the Philippines. He will rebuild the destroyed. Your land will be an example of love and peace to the surrounding nations.”
“In the sufferings and struggles in life and even though there is so much destruction in this world, we still feel peace and joy because our Mother of Love, Peace and Joy is with us. Let us pray for strength and perseverance in our faith that the desire of the Father will be fulfilled; because He said,
“What I promised, I will do; what I have said, I will fulfill.”
Marian Manor, Bloomsbury, New Jersey / December 8, 2002 / 9:50 A.M.