Message of Mother of Love, Peace and Joy to visionary Emma on December 12, 2008
Mt. of Salvation, Q-Park, Cebu City, Philippines
Emma: I heard the voices of the angels coming down from above. I saw the Blessed Mother of Love, Peace and Joy. She was accompanied by three Carmelite Saints —St. Teresa of Avila, St. Therese of Lisieux and St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi. Our Lady was smiling and she looked down at the people and said;
“I can see the joy and excitement in the eyes of my children, who came from all different places just to be at this mountain, waiting for their Mother to come. What a beautiful place! I, your mother watch over and protect my children with my mantle in this whole archipelagos.”
“…It is My Son’s will that you are here, to join with me and my saints.”
She looked on her left side where the Carmelite saints were there smiling at the people. Then, she looked down beside me where Mr. Quisumbing, the owner, and his family were sitting, smiling and said;
“Thank you my dear little children, who united their hearts together with outpouring love to fulfill this request. Those who are here are chosen to witness the manifestation of God’s plan. You are united here as the family of God to pray for peace and unity in this world. These prayers you offer are simple prayers coming from your hearts, and will reach to the corners of the world and miracles will happen. Pray with your Mother, my saints and angels, that there will be love, peace and joy in the whole world.
…..I love you my dear children. Thank you very much for being here.”
Then the Blessed Mother, saints and angels disappeared.