December 12, 2008 – Message

Message of Mother of Love, Peace and Joy to visionary Emma on December 12, 2008

Mt. of Salvation, Q-Park, Cebu City,  Philippines

Emma: I heard the voices of the angels coming down from above. I saw the Blessed Mother of Love, Peace and Joy. She was accompanied by three Carmelite Saints —St. Teresa of Avila, St. Therese of Lisieux and St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi. Our Lady was smiling and she looked down at the people and said;

“I can see the joy and excitement in the eyes of my children, who came from all different places just to be at this mountain, waiting for their Mother to come. What a beautiful place! I, your mother watch over and protect my children with my mantle in this whole archipelagos.”

“…It is My Son’s will that you are here, to join with me and my saints.”


She looked on her left side where the Carmelite saints were there smiling at the people. Then, she looked down beside me where Mr. Quisumbing, the owner, and his family were sitting, smiling and said;

“Thank you my dear little children, who united their hearts together with outpouring love to fulfill this request. Those who are here are chosen to witness the manifestation of God’s plan. You are united here as the family of God to pray for peace and unity in this world. These prayers you offer are simple prayers coming from your hearts, and will reach to the corners of the world and miracles will happen. Pray with your Mother, my saints and angels, that there will be love, peace and joy in the whole world.

…..I love you my dear children. Thank you very much for being here.”


Then the Blessed Mother, saints and angels disappeared.

December 08, 2008 – Message

Message of Mother of Love, Peace and Joy to visionary Emma on December 08, 2008

Mt. of Salvation, Batangas, Philippines 

Emma: I heard the chanting of the angels, like a melody as they were saying,…

“Our Lady is coming; Our Lady is here.”

The Blessed Mother appeared in Her white gown, covered with a golden mantle and golden sash. She was elevated close to her statue (the new statue of the Mother of Love, Peace and Joy). The Blessed Mother was smiling and said,

“I thank God for allowing me to be with you in your time of prayers here on this humble mountain. You are here because of your love and faith in My Son Jesus. I am pleased to see my humble bishop, and priests who were chosen by God to unite themselves in prayers with my little children….


…What is happening this day is the plan and will of the Lord. Each of you are called and invited to be with your loving Mother. You have entered into this exciting moment of your pilgrimage here, and soon you will understand.”


She looked at her children with love and compassion and said again,

“I see your hearts as parents do, who have pains, problems, and worries during the journeys of their children. I want you to offer your loved ones in prayers, during the mass and to My Son, who always gives graces and blessings……I also ask my children to pray fervently on this bill that they wish to pass. Pray that this bill not go through. Do you think if this bill is passed that it would be good for your people and your land? This is not the Will of My Son. His Will is for the good of His children, and that His Divine plan will be fulfilled, if you will just follow Him. What is the use of My visit if you will not listen to my messages? The messages I gave to my children from generation to generation are also messages of My Son. You are not only destroying your body, but also your soul.”


The Blessed Mother continued and looked at her statue and said;

“Thank you for responding to my request to put my image on this Mountain. Even though it is not my true likeness, it came from your hearts and your love for your Mother.”


The Blessed Mother went inside the statue and was moving there. I was surprised to see that the eyes of the statue moved and looked so beautiful.   She said again,

“I thank you for all the flowers you offered on the altar, but you are the most beautiful flowers in the garden of my heart.”


I said to the Blessed Mother, `Happy Feast Day, Blessed Mother,’ and then she was smiling at me and said,

“Happy birthday, my child; I love you my dear children. Thank you for loving My Son’.”


Then the Blessed Mother disappeared into the statue.

September 08, 2008 – Message

Message of Mother of Love, Peace and Joy to visionary Emma on September 08, 2008

Mt. of Salvation, Batangas, Philippines | 12:50 A.M.

Emma: The Blessed Mother appeared as Our Mother of love, peace and joy.  Before she appeared, the Angels of Lights came first.  They were chanting and telling me that Our Lady is coming.  So, I knelt down and prayed, waiting for Our Lady. The Lady appeared in a golden mantle and she was smiling at me.  She looked to her children and said:

”Praise be My Son! Praise be My Son!  I am your Mother who always loves my children.  I thank God that He gave me this grace to be with you in your celebration of my special day.  I am please to see you here uniting yourselves in prayers; especially the love and faith I see in the hearts of my children receiving My Son at the Holy Mass. You are here not only because of my invitation but of your love and devotion to me, your Mother.”

” I come to my children to bring you always closer to My Son.  My message for you is still the same: to pray, to repent, to do fasting and to come back to my Son. I know my children who are faithful and who follow the messages that I have been telling in every place I appear.”

“My children, you are entering into the exciting time of your pilgrimage here.”


The Blessed Mother looked at us with so much compassion, care and love.

“I see the sufferings of my children. Your sufferings and struggles are part of your journeys.  If you offer them with trust, faith, and in prayers with peace in your hearts, then you will enter the door, that God who is in heaven, will shower you all with His grace and blessings.  That is abandonment to the Will of the Father who created you. This is in His Time.”

”My Son Jesus Christ has poured out His unconditional love to His people.  I am calling my children to love Him with all your hearts, mind body and soul.  Love your brothers and sisters; forgive and reconcile with one another so that there will be peace and unity as a family of God through all humanity”.

”I want to thank my children who offered beautiful flowers on the altar and around my statue. They are beautiful in colors but you are the most beautiful flowers in my garden.  Your intentions will be brought to the altar of God.”


I saw the Blessed Mother looked down where her statue was on the table and bright light struck on the religious articles that were put around her statue.  She looked at me again and smiling and then, she said to me,

“you and my little priest will go to a place where my presence will be there.  I love you my little children”.


The Blessed Mother was disappearing slowly.  I said a “Happy Birthday” to the Blessed Mother.  I put my fingers on my lips and blew her a kiss. The bright light around her was fading and then she disappeared completely. The angels also disappeared after the Blessed Mother has left.